Friday, August 19, 2016

Fund for Teachers Fellowship #2016 Wrap Up

The trip has come to an end, but the journey continues. 
I have made lasting professional connections and friends.

And now the work begins! 

I have another week before school starts for reflection, follow-up, global collaboration project plans, and continued connections. I have learned so much and am continuing to learn as I delve into all my resources and stay connected through professional social networks. This was an amazing opportunity to learn and grow as a teacher. As I had looked forward to the trip, I look forward to the continuation of the journey...the learning doesn't stop. Thank you Dalio Foundtion. Thank you FFT.

My take aways:

  • I was impressed by the funding from the government to create resources, and finance the support staff and programs to implement coding into the curriculum. 
  • I was also excited by the depth and breadth of those resources (and the fact that I have access to them!)
  • Public transportation in the cities is clean, convenient, state of the art, straightforward
  • The same educational initiatives are popular worldwide 
  • There are many similarities within the schools
  • Integrating of coding into the curriculum involves hands-on activities and resources
  • The outdoors is a significant part of life in Australia
  • There is a concerted effort to embrace and respect Aboriginal culture
  • "Everyone" questioned the political climate of the US - as it is reported daily on the news
I had set this up as a trip of a lifetime. I felt comfortable in Australia, and there is still so much to see and do: Darwin, Perth, Brisbane. I would like to learn more and experience more of the Aboriginal culture. I think I will return at some point. I have begun a conversation with the Alice Springs School of the Air to work with them in the future. I wonder if perhaps a future fellowship opportunity might include a visit to several of the different School of the Air facilities throughout Australia?!

Thank you for following my adventures! I am excited to share my experiences and inspire colleagues to plan their own learning journeys. I am excited to open the walls of our classroom to a global collaboration experience.

We are bound by the restrictions we impose upon ourselves. Continue to learn and grow: expand your horizons, explore your world, exceed your comfort zone, and excite your mind!

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